Prop | Type | Default | Description |
text | string | string[] | — | The text or array of texts to be animated by the typewriter effect. |
className | string | "" | Additional CSS classes to style the typewriter container. |
speed | number | 50 | Typing speed in milliseconds for each character (used in "mechanical" typing style). |
delay | number | 1000 | Delay in milliseconds before starting the typing animation or retyping after deletion. |
cursor | boolean | true | Whether to display the blinking cursor. |
cursorStyle | string | `" | "` |
cursorBlinkSpeed | number | 500 | Blink speed in milliseconds for the cursor. |
deleteSpeed | number | 25 | Speed in milliseconds for deleting characters. |
deleteDelay | number | 2000 | Delay in milliseconds before starting the deletion process once typing is complete. |
loop | boolean | false | Determines whether the typewriter effect should loop continuously. |
onComplete | () => void | — | Callback function executed when typing is complete and no looping occurs. |
onLoop | () => void | — | Callback function executed at the start of a new loop cycle. |
typingStyle | "mechanical" | "natural" | "mechanical" | Defines the typing style; "mechanical" uses a fixed speed, while "natural" introduces random delays for a realistic effect. |