Typewriter Effect Text

Typewriter Effect Text

A typewriter effect animation



textstring | string[]The text or array of texts to be animated by the typewriter effect.
classNamestring""Additional CSS classes to style the typewriter container.
speednumber50Typing speed in milliseconds for each character (used in "mechanical" typing style).
delaynumber1000Delay in milliseconds before starting the typing animation or retyping after deletion.
cursorbooleantrueWhether to display the blinking cursor.
cursorBlinkSpeednumber500Blink speed in milliseconds for the cursor.
deleteSpeednumber25Speed in milliseconds for deleting characters.
deleteDelaynumber2000Delay in milliseconds before starting the deletion process once typing is complete.
loopbooleanfalseDetermines whether the typewriter effect should loop continuously.
onComplete() => voidCallback function executed when typing is complete and no looping occurs.
onLoop() => voidCallback function executed at the start of a new loop cycle.
typingStyle"mechanical" | "natural""mechanical"Defines the typing style; "mechanical" uses a fixed speed, while "natural" introduces random delays for a realistic effect.