Text Scramble

Text Scramble

A text animation that scrambles text and give the result after animation

Hover this text



textstringThe text to be scrambled.
classNamestring""Additional CSS classes for styling the scramble container.
cyclesPerLetternumber2Number of scramble cycles per letter before revealing the original character.
shuffleTimenumber50Interval in milliseconds between each scramble update.
charactersstring"!@#$%^&*():{};,./?"A string of characters used for the scramble effect.
hoverbooleanfalseIf true, the scramble effect will trigger on mouse hover.
autobooleanfalseIf true, the scramble effect will automatically start when the component mounts.
preserveSpacesbooleantrueWhether spaces in the text should remain unchanged during scrambling.
onComplete() => voidCallback function invoked when the scramble animation completes.