Link Reveal

Link Reveal

A Link Reveal Component



linksArray<{ text: string; href: string; color?: string }>[]Array of link objects with text, href, and optional gradient color
variant"slide" | "flip" | "fade" | "perspective" | "split" | "creative""slide"Animation variant for the reveal effect
direction"up" | "down" | "left" | "right""up"Direction of the slide animation
durationnumber0.3Duration of the animation in seconds
staggernumber0.02Delay between each character animation
showUnderlinebooleantrueWhether to show the underline effect
fontSizenumber16Font size in pixels
fontWeightstring"normal"Font weight of the text
letterSpacingstring"normal"Letter spacing of the text
textTransform"none" | "uppercase" | "lowercase" | "capitalize""none"Text transformation style
textColorstring"currentColor"Color of the text
underlineColorstring"currentColor"Color of the underline
underlineHeightnumber2Height of the underline in pixels
classNamestring""Additional CSS classes
styleReact.CSSProperties{}Additional inline styles