Spinning Text

Spinning Text

A text animation for a spinning text effects

Pioneer UI



childrenstring | string[]The text content to display. If an array is provided, all strings are joined into one before rendering.
styleReact.CSSPropertiesInline CSS styles applied to the outer container.
durationnumber10Duration (in seconds) for one full rotation of the spinning animation.
classNamestring""Additional CSS classes for the container.
reversebooleanfalseIf set to true, the text spins in the reverse (counter-clockwise) direction.
fontSizenumber(Optional) Font size for the text. (Note: This prop is defined in the type but not actively used in the current implementation.)
radiusnumber5The radius (in pixels) used for calculating the circular path for each letter's position.
transitionTransitionCustom transition configuration (from Framer Motion) to override the default infinite linear animation.
variants{ container?: Variants; item?: Variants }Custom animation variants for the container and individual letters, which will be merged with default variants to control visibility and rotation behavior.